Encouragement, News

R.C.I.A. Corner



Diana Macalintal, a member of Team RCIA, reminds us that by virtue of our Baptism, we are each called to it’s mission.

It must be part of the mission of the faithful community to ensure that those coming into the Church as unbaptized Catechumens are prepared not just to receive Baptism, but to live it. It is a reminder to us all that we, as baptized faithful, must strive to live our Baptismal mission as well. It is in reclaiming the gifts we were given at Baptism, strengthened in     Confirmation and through the Eucharist, that we are given the means to carry on what we are all called to do, spread the Gospel and the mission of Christ. How do we do this? We don’t do this alone, we do it as a family, a community, just as the early Christians did:

“They devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles…..to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.” They were together, “…..praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And every day the Lord added to their numbers those who were being saved.” (Acts 2: 42, 47) If we are to add to our numbers, it will be through our Baptismal calling, the calling of the whole community – our own praising of God, our breaking of the Bread, the sharing of our goods, our “generous hearts” and our own good will towards all – just as it has been from the beginning.

Submitted by Marguerite Mullins